The Centennial Mindset: My Expert Interview With Alex Hill
“Centennial” organizations deliver benefits for communities and society as a whole, as well as for themselves.
“Centennial” organizations deliver benefits for communities and society as a whole, as well as for themselves.
Before the pandemic, strategy was mostly the responsibility of top-level executives and managers. But after Covid-19, strategic leadership is much more a collective effort.
In turbulent times, mid-to-long-term planning lets you and your organization focus on the things you can control – and at least be aware of the things you can't. Get it right, and you'll keep a handle on who you are as a company, what you want to achieve, how you’re going to do that, by when, and with what effect. And you'll spot some of the difficulties and dangers ahead.
The pace of technological change is fast and phenomenal. But how afraid should we be that our identities are swallowed up and reshaped for profit and control?
How do you successfully embed racial equity into your business strategy? Guest writers Margaret H. Greenberg and Gina Greenlee show us the route to equity in action.
"Get yourself a notebook. Every day, write down three problems that you observe. This can be the place where you drive and foment your own change."
"Stop thinking of all older adults as just one type of person. It's more important to think about what stage of life they're in."
"People in the performing arts don’t reach the top of the tree by crushing the opposition. They do it by being creative," - Steven Edwards
Nudging people's decisions with their own instincts can be a powerful tool. But one that should be wielded carefully and ethically
"They felt like they were tackling the problem. The truth is they weren't even addressing it: they hadn't figured out what it really was."
Big Data is seductive. It promises that if we know enough, our lives will be more efficient. Margaret Heffernan thinks differently.
In this month's Expert Interview podcast, David Weinberger talks to Mind Tools about how we can understand and navigate the growing complexity of our interconnected world, and shares his positive message for the future